Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Azerbaijani Activists to Be Tried Because of Nonviolent Anti-terror Demonstration

Araz News: Many South Azerbaijanis have been arrested during 16 October non-violent anti-terror demonstration in Urmia city which the Iranian police cracked down. Several are to be tried and may be sentenced.

Taha Karimi an Azerbaijani rights activist is one of them. He was arrested in the central square of Urmia. Eye witness say police commander beat him severely after he was arrested. Right activists report he is transferred to Urmia central prison.

Mehdi Mojarrab Nia is another South Azerbaijani young who was arrested. Activists say today he is released on a heavy bail.

17-year- old high school student Mehdi Mojarrab Nia, is an athletic and plays in a volleyball club in Urmia city.


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