Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

A Brief History of Iranian Diversity

by Dr. Alireza Asgharzadeh   The history of what is now known as Iran is a history of various ethnic groups, languages ​​and cultures coexisting amongst one another from time immemorial. For as long as history can remember, ever since the...

Detained South Azerbaijani Activists Are in Hard Situation

Araz News: South Azerbaijani right activists in Evin Prison in Tehran, who were detained on 21st February 2014, the International Mother Tongue Day, are in hard situation. Reportedly they are being mistreated while some are suffering health problems. Especially Akbar...

Bloody Raid to Ward 350 of Evin Prison / Said Matinpour Taken to Solitary Confinement

Araz News: Opposition sources report Ward 350 of Evin Prison in Tehran, which is known as ward of the political prisoners, is raided by prison guardians and plain clothes agents on 17th April. Reportedly the raid is the harshest in...

Parliament Member: President Rouhani Has Not Kept His word on Lake Urmia

Araz News: Mehdi Isazadeh, Iranian parliament member of Miandoab, Tekab and Shahin Dezh regions of West Azerbaijan Province said to Tasnim News Agency that Lake Urmia is heart of people of West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Zanjan and other provinces. “When...

Two Other South Azerbaijani Political Prisoners Began Hunger Strike

Araz News:  Two South Azerbaijani political prisoners, Ayat Mehralibeyglou and Arash Mohammadi have begun hunger strike in central prison of Tabriz on April 15. In a letter conveyed to media they stated: “We, Ayat Mehralibeyglou and Arash Mohammadi, political prisoners of central...

Crimean Tatar leader has been awarded the Order of State Award by the Republic of Turkey

Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Jemilev has been awarded the Order of State award by the Republic of Turkey, country’s highest award. Speaking at the ceremony, former head of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev recalled the trauma Crimean Tatars...

Three Activists of National Movement of Azerbaijan Released From Tabriz Central Prison

Araz News: Three activists of National Movement of Azerbaijan released from Tabriz central prison. Rasuol Razavi, Hossein Ali Mohammadi and Taha Kermani are released on heavy bail. South Azerbaijani activists are released on Tuesday April 15 after being detained for more...

Right to Self- Determination & The People of South Azerbaijan

By Huseyin Turkelli* The basic definition of self-determination is self-government and governing of a political unit by its own people without any compulsion and external interference. The Right of Self –Determination, as a collective right, is a fundamental principle of...

Mahmoud Fazli in Fifth Day of Hunger Strike

Araz News: South Azerbaijani political prisoner, Mahmoud Fazli is in fifth day of hunger strike in central prison of Tabriz. Reportedly his health is worsening and especially he is suffering from hard back ache. Prison authorities have transferred him to...

Only 6% of Lake Urmia left

Araz News: Iran Environment and Wildlife Watch reported only 6% of Lake Urmia is left. According to NGO’s website the 100-day deadline that president Rouhani promised to take practical action to save Lake Urmia has run out months ago and...

Azerbaijan President Visits Tehran – Agreements signed on sports, energy and construction

President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev arrived in Tehran Wednesday morning to hold talks with senior Iranian officials. The visit is taking place at the invitation of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani officially welcomes Azeri counterpart President...

Ahmad Davudoglu: “Turkey does everything possible for liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories”

“Turkey does everything possible for liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories”, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmad Davudoglu told journalists during his visit to Japan, APA reports quoting Anadolu agency. He noted that along with this, Ankara makes efforts to improve both Turkey-Armenia and Azerbaijan-Armenia...

Kurdish Nationalists Claim Right on Azerbaijani Historical Territory

Araz News: Kurdish nationalist parties such as Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq (KDP), Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and Iranian Kurdish parties claim right on Azerbaijani Historical territory. Vast parts of Azerbaijani territory are included in the maps of Kurdistan publishing...

The Southern Azerbaijan Question And Its Implications For Iranian National Identity

Author: Alberto Priego   Since the establishment of the Republic of Azerbaijan after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijanis living in Iran have developed a stronger ethno-national identity, and that development has affected Tehran’s domestic and foreign policies. Most immediately,...


President of Kurdistan Region , Massoud Barzani announced on Tuesday, that the independent Kurdish state is to come, pointing out that Kurdistan is moving towards a confederation with Iraq . Barzani ‘s remarks came during excerpts from an interview with...