Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Bloody Raid to Ward 350 of Evin Prison / Said Matinpour Taken to Solitary Confinement

Araz News: Opposition sources report Ward 350 of Evin Prison in Tehran, which is known as ward of the political prisoners, is raided by prison guardians and plain clothes agents on 17th April. Reportedly the raid is the harshest in the last two decades. Many prisoners are beaten hardly by sticks, many are wounded and some are transferred to solitary confinement. At least four prisoners were transfer to hospital because of bleeding and bone fractures and thirty two prisoners were taken to solitary confinement. 

The raid has taken place because the prisoners had opposed harsh and sudden search of the ward.

South Azerbaijani journalist and human rights activist Said Matinpour, who is serving 8 years imprisonment verdict in Evin Prison, is between those transferred to solitary confinement. He also is injured during the raid. This is while Said Matinpour is suffering severe chronic health problems including kidney malfunction.

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