Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

51% of Scottish in favor of independence

Cameron, Queen voice concern: 51% of Scottish in favor of independence The latest opinion poll put the pro-independence movement in the lead for the first time, with 51 percent voicing their support just 11 days before the referendum on the...

“IS” Appears in South Azerbaijan

Araz News: Local sources in South Azerbaijan and Kurdish provinces of Iran report IS supporters began to appear and make some demonstrations in Iranian Kurdish cities as well as some South Azerbaijan regions. During the last weeks some local sources...


In line with Turkish political tradition, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held one of his first visits abroad to Azerbaijan to further bilateral relations based on history, brotherhood and strategic cooperation With a move to show Turkey’s continued support to Azerbaijan,...

“One Bucket Salt For Lake Urmia” Challenge Widening

Araz News: Days after starting “One Bucket Salt for Lake Urmia” campaign by South Azerbaijani activists the challenging is getting widen. Published on social media, hundreds of South Azerbaijani people have joined the campaign during a few last days. South...

Iraqi forces ‘reach besieged Amerli’

Iraqi forces have reached the besieged town of Amerli in northern Iraq, where thousands have been trapped by jihadists, military officials say. The apparent breakthrough comes after the US carried out air strikes overnight on Islamic State (IS) positions near...

Iraqi forces advance towards besieged town of Amerli

Iraqi forces claim marked advance towards Amerli, town under Islamic State siege for over a month Iraqi security forces and Shiite militiamen launched a major operation on Saturday to break the more than two-month siege of a Shiite Turkmen town,...

Bicyclists Arrive Urmia to “Save Lake Urmia”

Araz News: Eight bicyclists from city of Anar arrived Urmia after riding 1500 km with the slogan “Save Lake Urmia”. The Anar Press web site reports the bicyclist began to their trip from city of Karaj on 10th August. Some...

“One Bucket Salt” Campaign For Lake Urmia

Araz News: South Azerbaijani young people have launched “One Bucket Salt” campaign to draw attention on Lake Urmia disaster. South Azerbaijani activists and young people are pouring a bucket of salt on their head and publishing its video on social...

South Azerbaijani Activist Beaten Because of “Having Turkish Publications”

Araz News: South Azerbaijani right activist, Siamak Koushi has been arrested and hardly beaten by Iranian Intelligence officers because of having Turkish publications in his car. According to South Azerbaijani sources, after Simak’s car was stolen he made an appeal...

Besieged Iraqi Turkmen town cries for help

BAGHDAD // All 34 villages around Amerli are under the control of Islamist militants but the small town of Turkmen is holding out in one of the longest and most dramatic sieges of Iraq’s current conflict. In the searing summer...

Short Video: South Azerbaijan Is not Iran

The following is a brief video caption of the South Azerbaijani demonstrators most of whom were later identified and arrested by Persian regime of Iran for demonstration of the banner which read ” South Azerbaijan Isn’t Iran”. The protest occurred in  Tabriz,...

Two Years after Earthquake, South Azerbaijani Villagers Still in Containers (Photos)

Araz News: Two years after 6.4 Richter earthquake which struck Ahar and Varzeghan cities of South Azerbaijan many villagers still are living in containers and tents. The major earthquake took place on 11st August 2012. Toll of the quake was...

Iranian Authorities Did Not Allow Spiritual Father of South Azerbaijani Turks to Be Buried in Tabriz (Photos)

Araz News: Spiritual Father of South Azerbaijani Turks, Prof. Dr. Javad Heyat is buried in Baku, Capital of Republic of Azerbaijan. The funeral ceremony was held in building of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan today 15th August. Many prominent figures...

Spiritual Father of South Azerbaijani Turks, Prof. Dr. Javad Heyat Passed Away

Araz News: Spiritual father of South Azerbaijani Turks, Prof. Dr. Javad Heyat passed away on 13th August in a hospital in Baku, capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Prominent South Azerbaijani researcher, writer, turcologist and surgeon, Prof. Dr. Javad Heyat...

South Azerbaijani Parliamentarian: Punish Who Insult ethnics / 8 People Lost Live in 2006 Events

Araz News: South Azerbaijani Parliamentarian from Urmia, Nader Ghazi Pour criticized Iranian media and some so called art societies who insult ethnic identities in Iran and called authorities to prevent and punish them. In a speech in Iranian parliament (Islamic...