Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

“One Bucket Salt For Lake Urmia” Challenge Widening

Araz News: Days after starting “One Bucket Salt for Lake Urmia” campaign by South Azerbaijani activists the challenging is getting widen.

Published on social media, hundreds of South Azerbaijani people have joined the campaign during a few last days.

South Azerbaijani activists and young people are pouring a bucket of salt on their head and publishing its video on social media. They try to draw attention on Lake Urmia environmental disaster.

The environmental disaster occurred by drying of Lake Urmia is a major concern of Azerbaijani people as well as the environmental activists throughout Iran and world.

Iranian state has not done anything efficient during last years in despite lots of promises they gave.

In a recent vide o little South Azerbaijani girl has invited president Rouhani to join the challenging.

Below are some videos of “One Bucket Salt for Lake Urmia” campaign.










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