Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Water shortage at the critical point in Eastern Azerbaijan

The spokesman of the Regional Water İnstitution in Eastern Azerbaijan Province said that the water shortage has become critical. Muctaba Calilzadeh voiced it at the Binab Water Conservation Council meeting. “İn the last two years Precipitation decreased by 46 percent,...

Social unrest continues in Iran

 Under the pressure of sectarian and nationalist dictatorship in the country mass protests that took place in recent months seem to have stopped for the time being. But Said Haccariyan (سعید حجاریان), one of the theoreticians of the regime’s intelligence...

Mice Heaven in Tehran

Tehran, the capital of Iran came under the invasion of rats. Experts have found that amount of rats exceeded 50 million. The Tehran earthquake and the mice problem that appeared recently has become the second major problem after air pollution...

“White Wednesday” Women’s Protest in Iran !!

In the capital of Iran, Tehran, women who demonstratively attached white headscarf to the tip of a stick, as the sign of protest during the December events, is informed to be released. The photo of the woman whose name was...

Muctaba Sai, one of the sports correspondents of Tebriz Sehend TV channel, has published Tractor team report.

He posted an interview on Azerbaijani Turkic Language about Tractor team under the video published on Instagram profile. The praiseworthy work of the journalist is the first step in this direction. Sai said that with the help of Azerbaijani people...

ISIS Attack in the west of Iran

In the western region of Iran three soldiers lost their lives in a clash between the Revolutionary Guards and armed group fighters, who were indicated to be member of the ISIS. According to Tasnim News Agency, Commander of the Revolutionary...

İran Prohibited Protests Against ‘Olive Branch’ Operation.

İt was reported that İran did not permit Protests against ‘Olive Branch’ Operation in front of Turkish Emissary Building. Deputy Governor Ali Riza Radfer announced the ban of protest in front of the Urmia General Consulate of Turkey that was...

Great Interest in South Azerbaijan at the Exhibition in Tehran

At the 11th International Tourism Fair in Tehrant more than 400 square meters have been allocated for Tabriz and the Eastern Azerbaijan State due to ‘Tabriz 2018’ project. Participants and guests of this exhibition were warmly welcomed in South Azerbaijani...

Over 55 People Were Arrested During the Villa Raid in Iran

More than 55 women and men were detained in the region of southern Horasan. On January 24th Majid Süça, commander of the police forces of South Khorasan Province, spoke to reporters. After they got information about a villa (with dozens...

Iranian Press Slanders Turkey’s’ “Olive Branch” Operation

Yesterday evening Iranian Chief of Staff, Major General Muhammad Bakiri had a phone conversation with Chief of Staff General Hulusi Akar, in which he stated that while there is no negative outcomes of the Olive Branch Operation, the Iranian media...

Babek Chalabiyanli’s Presentation on Brussels Conference

In Brussels,the EU headquarters,  activists from Iran’s ethnic minority populations, as well as politicians from Arab and regional nations and other countries worldwide gathered on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st  of January for a conference named “Together to Counter Iranian-Sponsored...

Conductor of "El Bahçesi" band talks about difficulties of organising concerts in Iran.

Wave Music Group’s Great Performance in Tabriz left the Audience Amazed.

The concert was held at the Tebriz Petrochemical Amphitheater on 18th and 19th of January. Master Chingiz Mehdipurs “El Bahçesi” music group’s concert was met with great interest by the audience. They performed 15 composition in this concert.  İt was...

New coach signed the deal with

Ertuğrul Sağlam called “Tractor” is One Of The Most Rooted Football Teams Of Iran that has 25 Million Turkish Supporters.

Ertuğrul Sağlam, coach from Turkey, became the head of South Azerbaijan’s “Tractor” football team. At the ceremony in Tabriz Sağlam called Tractor one of the most prominent teams in Iran, with 25 million Turkish supporters. He said that he felt...

On the occasion of the Black January’S 28th anniversary

Summary of the Message of Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO) for the Black January

Araz News: During the re-acquisition of independence of our homeland’s northern part, Black January, Karabakh and other martyrs and veterans have paid with their life’s for the eternal fluttering of our Three-Color flag, which is still waving, reminding us of...

Azerbaijani Cultural events abroad

International Shahriyar Days will be held in Götheborg- Switzerland

INTERNATIONAL SHAHRIYAR DAYS (ULUSLARARASI ŞƏHRİYAR GÜNLƏRİ) Götheborg-SWITZERLAND 2018-03-17,18 PRE-REPORT (1) 2018.03.16: Guest accommodation   2018.03.17: 09.00: Entrance to the hall   10.00: Panel   13.00: Break   14.00: Speeches and presentation of “Shahriyar Prize”   16.00: Closing of the conference...