Sunday 23 February 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Ertuğrul Sağlam Visits the Grave of Şems-i Tabrizi

The technical director of the Tabriz Tractor team, Ertuğrul Sağlam, visited Şems-i Tabrizi’s tomb in Hoy city. Sağlam, who announces this visit on his Twitter account, shared photos and his impressions.
Who is Shams-i Tebrizi?
The real name is Mevlana Muhammad. Son of Melik Dad a son of Ali known by the nickname “Şemseddin” (sun of religion). He is a Azerbaijani Turk of Tebriz. Hz. Şemseddin-i Tabrizi, who exemplifies the morality of Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), has been in a constant quest of a spiritual sign, and found it in Hz. Mevlana. Shams, who does not attach importance to the appearance and costume, as a result of the three and a half years of cooperation with Mevlana has been instrumental in the opening of new horizons in his life, and he has found love in justice by dissolving it in the spirit of divine love. The Kesikbas Türbesi in Niğde is also devoted to Şems. Apart from these, there is a Shams kind of place or authority in the cemetery called Gechil in Tabriz, in Hoy, and in Multon city in Pakistan. They are decorated with various narratives. According to what the Pakistanis have said, Shams sneaked from Konya in the middle of the night he had traveled to Tabriz first and then to India and spent many years in the forests and died in Multon.

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