Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

ANRO Condemned Harassment of Religious Minorities in South Azerbaijan

Araz News: National Resistance Organization of Azerbaijan (ANRO) issued a statement condemning the harassment of religious minority community members by Islamic regime of Iran in South Azerbaijan.

In the statement the ANRO has stated that during the last three decades Islamic regime in Iran has imposed discrimination and persecution on religious minorities in South Azerbaijan such as Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews and Bahaii community. It emphasized that the Islamic regime has used the religious differences to put Shiite-Muslim Azerbaijani Turks and the minorities against each other.

ANRO expressed that peoples who live in historical lands of Azerbaijan all are equal compatriots and Azerbaijani Turks have lived in peace and friendship with minorities all the time.

NORA’s statement refers to recent detention of Bahaii community members in Tabriz.

Bahaii community has been exposed to severe oppression by the Islamic regime of Iran since the 1979 Islamic revolution.







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