Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

South Azerbaijan people expressing sympathy with those killed in terrorist attack in Istanbul’s Atatürk Airport(Photo and Video)

Araz  News: A group of Urmia and Tabriz citizens expressed their sympathy in front of the Turkish consulate in Tabriz

and Urmia with those killed in terrorist attack inIstanbul’s Atatürk Airport on first of July.

According to Araz News agency, South Azerbaijan people, especially the youth condemned terrorism by putting red roses in front of the Consulate.

It is said that security forces and police attended in the place and dispersed people immediately.

It should be mentioned that Meysam Azadi, Hojat Elhami, Ehsan Salmasi, Zekeriya Safai and Reza Fotouhi were detained for a short time by security forces.

Notably, at least 44people were killed, 92  injured Tuesday in a triple suicide bombing and gun attack at Istanbul’s main Atatürk airport, in the latest deadly strike to rock Turkey’s most-populated city.

A moment of terrorist attack and explosion in Istanbul’s Atatürk Airport seems clearly in the video.



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