Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Representative of Ardabil city said some facts about the Armenia nuclear power plant

Araz News:  A Member of Parliament from Ardabil, South Azerbaijan and the spokesperson to the Parliamentary Fraction of Environment of Iran, Mr. Kamalladdin Pirmuazzen told “Fars” News Agency that the pollutants’ entry to the Araz River have been threatening the...

Baku to host Formula 1 European Grand Prix in 2016

Araz News: Formula 1 European Grand Prix will be held in Baku on July 17, 2016, a statement posted on the Formula 1 official website said. The project of urban highway, which will stretch in the center of Baku, has been...

Change the name of ArcDH to Human Rights in Azerbaijan(photo)

Araz News: The ArcDH is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), as well as a non-profit making organization, was founded in France on 24 March 2010 in accordance to the “Law of Associations” 1901 conferred in 16 August 1901 and it was registered...

National activists of South Azerbaijan arrested on charges of supporting the people of Uighur Turk- (photo+video)

Araz News: 7 th  of July2015,Group of people and civil society activists of Azerbaijan by participating in the rally Quds Day in the cities of South Azerbaijan Shouting slogan to support the people of Uighur Turk. According to report of...

European Azerbaijan Society holding protest action in front of Chatham House building

Araz News: The representatives of the European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS) are holding a protest action in front of the Chatham House (UK Royal Institute of International Affairs), TEAS told Trend July 8. The protest action is against the participation of Bako...

Azerbaijani military shoots down two Armenian drones – defense ministry

Araz News: Azerbaijani military shot down two Armenian drones, said Azerbaijan’s defense ministry on July 4. “Two drones of Armenian armed forces, that attempted to fly over the positions of the Azerbaijani armed forces in the area of Terter region, were...

Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran and Kazakhstan to hold consultations on the establishment of collective security system in the Caspian Sea

Araz News:  Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Viktor Chirkov agreed with Azerbaijani, Iranian and Kazakh counterparts to hold consultations in October on establishment of the Caspian Sea collective security system. APAreports quoting RIA Novosti.   According to the Russian Defense...

Armenia’s economic indicators continue to worsen

Araz News:  At the present, Armenia is being squeezed from all sides – on one hand, the government is in trouble due to the protests against the electricity price hike, and on the other, country’s economic indicators are worsening day...

Widespread distributing newsletters and posters On the occasion of genocide people of Asghar Abad village in Urmia

Araz News:on July 1, Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization’s (ANRO) publishing arm released newsletters and posters  in memory of the martyrs of Asghar Abad  village which  resisted heroically  against invasion of Armenian in 1918. It should be mentioned that West Azerbaijan...

28,000 tourists visited Azerbaijan to attend European Games

Araz News: Over 28,000 foreign tourists visited Azerbaijan during the First European Games, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said July 1. Ten days before the start of the Games, the Consular Department of Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry started the procedures of issuing visas for...

Iran implementing Ramadan fasting regulations

Araz News:  A judiciary official of the Iranian city of Shiraz, Fars province said since the beginning of the Islamic month of Ramadan (which started June 18), some 500 people have been arrested around the city for breaking their fasting...


Araz News:  In the 2015-2016 education year, Kurdish and Kurdish literature courses will be available in Iranian Universities. According to the statement of the president of The State of Iran Kurdistan University, this university is going to register students in...

Protesters in Yerevan ready to hold rallies indefinitely

Araz News: The protest at the Baghramyan Avenue in Yerevan will continue until “all three demands of the protesters” are met, Maxim Sargsyan, on of the leaders of the activists, told reporters June 30, according to RIA Novosti. “We will stay...

MG mulling new meeting between Azerbaijani, Armenian presidents

Araz News: The OSCE Minsk Group is working on organizing a meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents. James Warlick, Minsk Group’s U.S. co-chair, has said mediating a new meeting between Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is the...

European Games closing ceremony held in Baku (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Araz News: The closing ceremony of the first European Games was held in Baku on June 28. The ceremony was held at the Baku Olympic Stadium. The closing ceremony was attended by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, and Azerbaijan’s First...