Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:


Araz News:  In the 2015-2016 education year, Kurdish and Kurdish literature courses will be available in Iranian Universities.

According to the statement of the president of The State of Iran Kurdistan University, this university is going to register students in this department beginning of the next education year as the first university in Iran.

According to the claim of Ahlakiyan, being taught Kurdish is the main wish and right of Iranian Kurdish people.

However, this is the fact that a Turkish population, which is more than 30 million lives in Iran; but, their turkish identity is denied by Iranian government and their language is banned, and “Azeri” word, which is made up, is used for these Turkish people.

South azerbaijanians  criticized Iran for applying an arbitrary ban on Turkish language. “The principles stated in the 15th and 19th articles of the Iranian constitution are very clear on equal treatment for all ethnic groups and freedom of mother tongue in mass media and education. However, even though some 200,000 Armenians and minority of Kurds in Iran  are enjoying all those freedoms in Iran, Turks have always been deprived of them.”

Having no right to press and education in their mother tongue, the Azerbaijani Turk  population has taught their children their language at home and at some of their cultural associations. Recently, Iran has been said to be aggravating the situation by arresting South Azerbaijanian teachers.

In 1945, Iranian Azerbaijanis founded the independent Azerbaijan People’s Government.In that period, Azerbaijani Turkish language was an official and educational language, which existed for only one year under the leadership of Sayyed Jafar Pishevari, with Tabriz as its capital.

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