Wednesday 26 March 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO); A Brief Introduction


Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO) which declared its existence in 2006 is founded in South Azerbaijan and has been struggling for the right of self-determination achievement for South Azerbaijani Turks. ANRO has adopted confidential and half-confidential struggle methods due to the dictatorial and oppressive politic situation of Iran.

It is indicated in ANRO statute that the organization’s struggle finds its bases on “Azerbaijani Homeland” and “Turkic Nationality” and the organization considers itself as a part of the general “Azerbaijan National Movement”.

ANRO’s statute indicates that “Azerbaijan National Movement” occurs by the time of Gulistan (1813) and Turkmenchay (1828) treaties which were signed between Russia and Qajar Turkic Empire (ancestor of today’s so called Iran).

ANRO is of the opinion that the most proper solution for national question in South Azerbaijan and other nations of Iran is to enjoy self-determination right via a UN watched fair referendum. Therefore, ANRO is working on a comprehensive platform for such referendum to be performed in South Azerbaijan and other national regions of Iran.

In this way, also on 12th December 2012 ANRO accompanied by eight main South Azerbaijani political organizations referred to UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki Moon by writing a letter asking UN to support a self-determination referendum in South Azerbaijan. The letter was addressed especially on 12th December because this date (21st Azer by Iranian calendar) is foundation date of Azerbaijan National Government (1945-46) which was ruined by Iranian army.

The letter addressed to UN Secretary General includes the sentences below;

“More than 30 million South Azerbaijani Turks in Iran run a national freedom struggle for their national-democratic rights. South Azerbaijani political organizations ask to hold a referendum about economic, social and civil rights accepted according to 2200 A (XXI) 16 December 1966 declaration of the head of the council of UN, in international pact, under UN supervision by Azerbaijani Turks’ participation in South Azerbaijan’s historical lands and hope to revive this issue for governments which are the member of UN.”

Besides of the claiming for national self-determination right for South Azerbaijani Turks, ANRO also aims to end the separation of Azerbaijani historical lands which is divided to northern and southern parts.

ANRO run all its activities within the modern civil and democratic non-violent struggle norms, under the condition of preserving the right of legitimate self-defense.

The main tactical aims of ANRO are to prompt national consciousness among the South Azerbaijani Turkic community, to bring up conscious and well-trained individuals to run and achieve national rights of Azerbaijani Nation and to organize dynamic link and cooperation among the society which is needed in for national struggle process.

Because of ANRO’s confidential struggle methods it use to reach the community through websites and distributing of bulletins, books, booklets and CDs in South Azerbaijan cities. Giving statements and announcements ANRO declares its viewpoints.

ANRO take an active role in mass passive resistance events in South Azerbaijan. For instance, ANRO’s city committees and resistance cells had an exclusive role in May 2006 general turn out (caricature crises), national demonstrations in stadiums, events of Lake Urmia and in Azerbaijan’s Active Silence stance during the Tehran’s Green Movement.

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization is quite active in news and information transfer field and has a premise status in national movement by running news, analyze and research web-sites.

However due to ANRO’s security policy identity of most of ANRO’s members are kept confidential some members of the abroad branch of the organization act with their open identity who represent the organization near public opinion.

ANRO amblem

Emblem of the Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization

The Emblem of the Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization features the name of organization, its acronym and the foundation date along with the portrait of Caspian Sea represented in the center of emblem which is one of the symbols of Azerbaijan and having vital geopolitical importance for Turkic world. At the top, crescent and eight pointed star taken from national flag of Azerbaijan, at the bottom, 12 pairs of shaking hands are presented. While shaking hands representing the spirit of national solidarity the number 12 symbolizes “12th of Shahrivar”.  12th of Shahrivar corresponds to the 3rd September by Iranian calendar. On September 3, 1945 manifesto of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party which was the ruling party of Azerbaijan National Government was declared and this date is considered one of the important days in the history of Azerbaijani statehood. The official web sites of Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization and its news service are as below:

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