Sunday 22 December 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

USA closed Diplomatic gateways for Iran

The Iranian Parliament’s Chairman of National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Hashmatullah Felahettphe reported that the diplomatic road between Tehran and Washington was closed.

US President Donald Trump’s reaction to Iranian President Hasan Ruhani’s reaction to the US’s policy of sanctioning Fahlia, said: “The diplomatic path between Tehran and Washington has closed. So the authorities respond to each other through explanations. ”

Referring to the threats of the US attack on Iran, Felahepishe stated that there is no possibility of a war between Tehran and Washington, as a possible war between the two countries would spread to the region and the whole world.

On the question of whether it would be possible to close the Strait of Hürmüz in case the Iranian oil sales were hindered by the US, Felahetpishe told the Iranian workers’ news agency, ILNA, that the international law was violated by the United States and it is enough to say that it will be closed.

Felahetpishe also stated that his country was not intent on creating instability in the world oil market, saying “President Ruhani’s statements about this issue are a warning against the US. They too should perceive this warning correctly. ”

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