Sunday 23 February 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

“Turks and Turkish language in Iran” Conference at Kırklareli University

The “Turks and Turkish language in Iran” conference was held at Kırklareli University (KLÜ).

The conference was held at the Cultural Center, Professor Hüseyin Nihal Atsız Oğlu Dr. Bilgehan Atsiz Gökdağ, teacher of Kırıkkale University participated as a speaker.

Atsiz stated that Iran had been under Turkish rule for a thousand years and today there are 32 million Turks living in Iran.

Despite the Turkish population in Iran, Atsiz pointed out that there were not enough studies here, it was about Iran’s language policies.

He stated that Iran’s official language is Persian, and that Arabic is also taught in the curriculum. Atsiz gave information about Turkish spoken in Iran.

The conference ended with answering the questions of the students.

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