Saturday 15 March 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

İn Tabriz University Turkish Language and Literature Course is Taught in Persian.

In Tabriz University, Turkish Language and Literature course is not mandatory but optional, and one of the students who has taken this course as an elective said that it is taught in Persian and the teachers forbid to speak in Turkish. On January 23rd Tabriz University President of Turkish Language and Literature Group Ahmet Ferbafiyan expressed his views on the teaching of Turkish language in an interview with Anac news agency. He claimed that the two teachers who taught this topic were great experts in Turkish language and literature who received their doctor degrees in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Tabriz University taught the different form of the Turkish language in the region, including the Azerbaijani language, that it is taught in accordance with the Persian language school. According to the spreading report on the Telegraph Channel; A student who voluntarily selected Tabriz University Turkish Language and Literature course commented on the interview given by Ferbafiyan. “Mr A. Ferbafiyian said that the number of students who chose this course was actually 41, but afterwards 27 people remained. But he did not explain why. They were influenced by Ferbafiyan’s incentive. Teachers argue that this lesson will not be necessary in the future.
It is not true that teachers are experts in Turkish language and literature. They are Persian language and literature teachers and do not accept Turkish. In which university did they study Turkish literature? If it is claimed that they studied in the Republic of Azerbaijan, there are many contradictions in Mr. Ferbafiyan’s talk. Mr. Ferbafiyan is trying to get rid of the rich literature of Azerbaijan Republic. The textbooks in Turkish are being removed daily and new textbooks in Persian are being added to strengthen the Persian influence. In addition, they are gradually trying to teach their graduates the word “azeri”. Even though the teachers did not receive degree in Turkish Language and Literature, there are many scientists who know Turkish very well in Tabriz, but the university does not use these people. This is an open persecution against Turkish. Tabriz University student also said, “The principal is very interested in showing that education is not related to the security of the students. But the families of the students are frightened and thus prevents their participation. The manager even refuses to give interviews to journalists and news agencies. All of this shows that the Turkish is taught in this way harms the Language itself. After years of struggle, Turkish Language and Literature topics began to be taught at Tabriz, Urmiye, Maragha and Urmiye Technology Universities. Turkish language lessons are not compulsory for students, but many students choose this course voluntarily. And despite all these, it seems that Turkish classes are not given properly.

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