America’s ‘voice’ has been transformed into the Voice of Tehran

Araz News: If you had been listening to the Voice of America’s Persian News Network (PNN) in the weeks and months before the U.S. presidential elections, you would easily have believed that Donald Trump was a white supremacist in league with the Ku Klux Klan who raped underage girls, and that Hillary Clinton was a shoe-in to become president.
Sure, you would have had the same impression watching MSNBC or CNN (since merged into the DNC). But there’s a big difference: your tax dollars paid for the propaganda on the Voice of America.
So certain was the director of the VOA’s Persian Service, Setareh Derakhshesh, that Hillary Clinton was about to become president that she tasked reporters two weeks ahead of time to prepare a special program lionizing the Democratic “president-elect.” No such program was prepared on Donald Trump.
When Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, told supporters at 2 a.m. in Chicago to “go home,” PNN reporters obediently went home as well and the Persian service went off air, instead of broadcasting the real president-elect’s acceptance speech.
The next day they brought on Mehdi Nourbakhsh, the son-in-law of former Islamic Republic of Iran Foreign Minister Ibrahim Yazdi, to analyze the results. “Trump will leave the presidency to Mike Pence and will go back to what he had been doing before,” he said. “Trump will hand Syria totally to Russia Trump is not representing all America. He is representing ultra right, white color, low educated, religious fanatics who cannot see a woman in leadership.” No one challenged these assertions.
Other articles and interviews on VOA’s Persian service are all of a piece. In an editorial posted the day before the election, VOA editors wrote that Vladimir Putin was the only world leader who would welcome the arrival of Donald Trump, but that was because “Donald Trump serves Russian interests and is associated with Russian investors.”
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