The Tenth Anniversary of “Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization ” Was Commemorated

Araz News: The tenth anniversary of “Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization ” was commemorated with the
Presence of a large number of members of ANRO and many other guests in South Azerbaijan on 22th of March 2016.
Ceremony of the tenth anniversary of the Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization was held with the presence of authorities, members, supporters and guests from other organizations.
The authorities of the ANRO welcomed the guests and commemorated the memory of Azerbaijan national movement martyrs in the ceremony. Also, they hoped to release all south Azerbaijani political prisoners from Iran regime prisons.
At the ceremony, authorities Committee of South Azerbaijan, members of the youth branch, students, women and workers of Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization were attended.
One of the members of city official committees mentioned in the political and terrorist events in the region and demanding all national movement of South Azerbaijan for unity and raising the morale of interaction between all South Azerbaijan organizations and boosting morale amongst student organizations.
This member of city official committees expressed in the presence of terrorist groups in the west Azerbaijan providence and events in Syria – Iraq and the terrorist acts in the South East of Turkey, which all these crimes and terrorist activity is the part of the project in changing demographic composition of the region.
The member of the women’s branch of the Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization was attended at the ceremony. He appreciated and talked about the role of women in the ANRO organization and the importance of the women in Azerbaijan movement organizations.
Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization –ANRO- has declared its existence in 2006.
ANRO defines itself as a part and a subset of the general National Movement of Azerbaijan.
ANRO struggles to seek and regain withheld economical, political, social, cultural and human rights and fundamental liberties of the Turkish nation in South Azerbaijan.
ANRO believes in and acts within the democratic and civil struggle methods and values.
ANRO avoids and condemns all kinds of violence, especially governmental and organized armed terrorisms.
We as, Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization – ANRO -, strongly believe that the necessary conditions for Turkish nation in South Azerbaijan to benefit the self-determination right are occurred and fulfilled. In our opinion, struggling to enjoy the self-determination right is a legitimate and necessary right of the Turkish nation in South Azerbaijan. Mr. Babak Chalabiyanli is the Spokesman of ANRO.
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