Sunday 23 February 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

The Exclusive Interview Of Araz News With The Famous Historian Prof. Dr. Cemil Hasanli

Araz News: In recent days to celebrate the 70 th  anniversary of 21 Azer (Dec 12)  and establishment of national government in South Azerbaijan,many discussions is going about how the Democratic Party of South Azerbaijan found and what is the main character of the national movement  of South Azerbaijan.

Since Prof. Dr. Cemil Hasanli has been taken out  the documents from Soviet archives, The importance of the debate about South Azerbaijan issue has been changed  .We decide as Araz News web site to have an interview with  the famous historian Prof. Dr. Cemil Hasanli .And, ask him his opinion about  the national movement  of South Azerbaijan.


Prof. Dr. Cemil Hasanli is a  Known Azerbaijani historians. His dozens of books and scientific research on the history of Azerbaijan have been available  in many International Research Center.  He has many books about the history of Azerbaijan and the region.

Thanks  Mr. Cemil Hasanli for giving your time to Araz News web site audience.

First question:

21 Iranian-Persian nationalists claim that North Azerbaijan  name was not Azerbaijan in the history. Likewise, they argue that  name of Azerbaijan was named by the Azerbaijan Mosavat Party in the early twentieth century. Even  many claiming that, this naming occurred by the ottoman impact. In this regard, how do you think?


What is now saying  about the name of Azerbaijan is not important. The existence of Azerbaijan  is the reality now. It should be discussed in this aspect. Even if the name carries political content a hundred years, the event is embedded in history. America  is the world’s most powerful country now a days and it is only 240 years old. We shouldn’t fear of the new government and Young Nation. Having  2,500 years of history of government is a fascinating subject for history of science, however, it does not play the role of incentives for progress. There are nation that today who do not themselves become infected with its past. There are nation who do not find themselves today, they become dependent on their history as a rule. And in their search they  found their heroes in the past. This is called  Historic disease. Some Iranian nationalists are constantly developing the disease. Well, if we pay attention to  the name of Azerbaijan before getting  the political concept  had taken place   in Community discussions  in Various publications, especially in local magazine with the name of former “EKINCI’’In the early nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. The turning point of history and destiny of Azerbaijan was in the late nineteenth century. The first generation of Azerbaijani realist after Seeing the result of a serious lack  during  thirty years of resistance and armed struggle  they have changed their methods of struggle from Islamic brotherhood concept to new Age thinking about the nation and this transition caused pre-set configuration. The great philosophers  like Abasgholi Bakıxanov, Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh and Hassan Zardabi expressed the necessity of the transition of  traditional schools in modern education system and drawn right  framework for national aspirations in Azerbaijan. Among the great thinkers, people like Ali Ibn Hussein Zadeh, Ahmad Agayev and Ali Mardan Topchubashi as a follower of former great philosophers  were able the initiator of Azerbaijanis  from Ummah to the nation. Conversion of this idea (Ummah to the nation sate) with the theme the philosophy of “national life” linked to the deep intellectual system with the name of Mohammad Amin Rasulzade. The emergence of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a modern state in 1918 was historical evidence and proof of Turkish nationalism and the philosophy national life within the framework of the national aspiration in the period of being a nation. In the early twentieth century Azerbaijani intellectuals didn’t see  their people signing in the international scene and this caused a spiritual suffering for them. With the emergence of the first opportunity  On 28 May 1918 people Republic of of Azerbaijan was crated and the signature of Azerbaijan people was imposed in the international arena. Mammad Amin Rasulzade wrote in this regard:” National Council of Azerbaijan has issued a statement On 28 May 1918 consolidated the existence of the Azerbaijani nation in a political sense, Such that the term of Azerbaijan out from the literal geography and ethnographic and had  become the political world.” The Republic of Azerbaijan had come into existence by Azerbaijani Turks and It was the first modern state in the East. We can be proud of this issue.

The second question:

In recent days, the seventieth anniversary of the 21-Azar pass, several discussions had taken place on 21 Azar and national government again. Iranian-Persian sources expressed that the national government was a conspiracy Soviet Union without  national support and help. In this regard, the documents that you were released from the archives of the Soviet Union as the reason they indicated. Even a Persian website in recent weeks with the publication of the parts of your interview tried to imply that you also seem to support this view. What is your opinion on this issue? Is Azerbaijan Democratic Party  really the only foreign conspiracy?


It looks the elimination of my opinion from my text and providing what they want has become habit for some Iranian chauvinists. These people have exploited from my neutral view towards history. History should be learned  with profitable and unprofitable pages. We had experienced the suffers from “profitable History “ in the Soviet period. Now some chauvinist in Iran is moving in this path exactly.

The nations were fighting for its independence in the twentieth century with the help of the former Soviet Union, America or any other country were able to achieve independence. For example, Iran has been a feud with America should know that in 1945-1946 preserving all its territorial integrity owe to America. Of course the former Soviet had aided to the movement of 21 Azar. However, the causes and  purpose of  21 Azar movement should be searched inside the South azerbycan. Anti-Turkish policy of Reza Shah’s regime in the twenties and thirties of the last century and denial of  mother language, history, literature and civilization of Azerbaijanis were  affected deeply  on Azerbaijani citizens. 21 Azar movement had emerged in these circumstances. The main reason of  21 Azar movement wasn’t former Soviet Union, however, it was Iran regime’s fault. In the early days of the movement, the Secretary of America  Mr. James Birnez who was in Moscow wrote a letter that contains the necessary recommendations to the Iranian government and said:’ I request tell Secretly to the Prime Minister (Ibrahim Hakimi), we advise you that the Iranian government immediately accepts the demands which presented by the Azerbaijanis. Especially I believe that Azerbaijani demands about  the Turkish language teaching  beside Persian education in schools and establishing state is suitable to the situation in Iran. Naturally, taking such steps is possible in order to avoid turning Azerbaijan into a separate country.

My goal of these recommendations is Showing  the legitimacy of Iran to the United Nations and the international community and  to reject doubts against Iran about deprivation of human right.’ As it can be seen, America was patron  of Iran’s territorial integrity in that period and willing to grant Azerbaijani human rights. At the same time the leader of the Soviet in Azerbaijan Mir Jafar Bagirov recommended to his close associates that Democratic Party leaders must be independent So that they solve their own problem. Let’s take a look at this issue again, the Democratic Party in leadership of Sayyed Ja’far Pishevari has fought for the freedom of their homeland. Today, the grandchildren can proud of these great people and their personalities and struggles.

The third question:

In any case, Proximity of Azerbaijan Democratic Party to former Soviet is the reality of history and it does not deny. How should Proximity analysis this close relation between Azerbaijan Democratic Party and former Soviet Union? Is this Proximity against being National of Azerbaijan Democratic Party?


No., There is no  contradicting this case. Unlike the Tudeh Party, Azerbaijan Democratic Party was national party. Azerbaijan Democratic Party gave priority to nation demands. As I said, there was a Soviet aid to  the Azerbaijan Democratic Party but, the aspirations of the Democratic Party’s leaders were the freedom of its people. And the aid of the Soviet was under this goal. Note that Iran would seek support from America  to preserve its territorial integrity. Azerbaijan Democratic Party received support from former Soviet union  for their national rights. Both were foreign help. How is that One of these is considered a betrayal, and other patriotic? After a little while the National Iranian leader Mohammad Mossadeq was toppled with foreign intervention. It was also foreign aid. Many Democratic Party leaders did not have trust and confidence to Soviet leaders. Even, Mirza Ali shabestari after coming to Baku and returning to Iran was said:” According to the things that  I saw in Soviet in Azerbaijan, Hitler is better than the Soviet.” The meeting took place with representatives of the USSR Sayyed Ja’far Pishevari had emphasized several times: ’we know you  from the Gilan events. However, because of  the difficult situation of our nation and freedom from oppressive force us  to work  with you.’ We should Judge Azerbaijan Democratic Party based on the one-year and the services they did in one year. Only in one year of Azerbaijan Democratic  government, they had established Education homes to care for orphans who had lost both her parents.

The fourth question:

We know that long before formation of Azerbaijan Democratic Party, the group with the name of ‘Azerbaijan population’ was found in  Tabriz city and this group  was published a newspaper with the name of ‘Azerbaijan Newspaper’ and talked  about Azerbaijani Turkish language  and self-determination of Azerbaijanis. Later, many members of the population  joined the Democratic Party. What was the nature of this population? Does this population was formed by Azerbaijani intellectuals or were foreigners plans?


Both factors existed. But in this process. The initiative was under control of Azerbaijani intellectuals. The Struggle which took place for the national aspiration in the north and south part of Azerbaijan was the struggle for national mother language. The nations  which, depending on their language, therefore, their language is the first way to the maintenance of their national existence. The ruling regime in Iran denied Azerbaijnai Turkish Language. Even at 23 February 1946, Ghavamol Saltaneh in his meeting with Soviet Foreign Minister Mr. Molotov tried to prove this issue. In his statements Ghavamol Saltaneh said that Turkish literature is not available In Iran, and, It is the local language not written language. Molotov had responded l to him: When you open your school? When you establish publication? When is allowed to publish Azerbaijani Turkish language? So that, Azerbaijanis created literary in their own language. There was  a journal with the name of ‘Vatan Yoli’ in Tabriz, which was released by the Soviet authorities. Even people who uable to   read the magazine also bought and placed it in a pocket near their heart and when confronted with someone who had reading ability asked to read this journal. In fact, the entire of the Journal wasn’t important for this people who didn’t have reading ability, but the important part was Publication of this journal in Azerbaijani Turkish language and hearing the Turkish words. It should be noted that ‘Azerbaijan population’ did such these work Before the 21-Azar also. It was perfect idea which came from their hearts.


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