Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:


Araz News: Mother tongue protection forum has launched a campaign with a name of “Our mother tongue does not stay at home” in order to apply mother language education in schools and universities on 15th Sep.

They demand from the President Dr. Hassan Rouhani and the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly to Study  non-Persian people  in  their Mother Tongue.

To join this campaign and sign the letter, enter the following telegram Bot: @MotherTongue 

It should be noted that every telegram account can only record one signature.



The summary of the text of the letter is as follows:

“We Do Not Want Put  Our Mother’s language At Home”

President and Distinguished Representatives of Parliament

Giving thanks and appreciation, respect and praise

As you know, we will be getting a closing ceremony for the reopening of 2017-2018 school year. Meanwhile, only Persian people have the right of education in mother language other citizens of the country are deprived of the right to study in mother tongue which caused language and cultural discrimination in the country.

Despite the constitutionality of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the rights of Iranian citizens are mentioned in various aspects. Also, Holy Quran as the Muslim Book mentioned the diversity of languages and ethnicities.

Mr. President and dear Members of Parliament;

All citizens in all parts of Iran have been defending the integrity and security of the country Over the years regardless of race, ethnicity and language. But in this land, they are deprived of their obvious cultural rights unfortunately.

Therefore, as signatories of this letter, we declare our demands for language rights:

1-Recognition of Multilingualism Education in Iran and providing education services in the languages of the different regions of the country.

2-Establishing national TV and radio broadcasts in various languages, including Turkish, Baluchi, Lori and others

3-Supporting writers who producing educational content in non-Persian languages.

4-Formation of the supreme council of the ethnic in order to expand of intellectual thinking in the country.

Finally, Mr. President, we would like to say great thanks for your emphasis on the right to learn mother tongue in schools. Thanking you in advance for your attention to this matter .


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