Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Hassan Rouhani increases Iran Ministry of Information Budget By 50%

Araz News: In the Government of  Hassan Rouhani, military security ministry’s budget will increase from 15% to 50% next year (1395) and the overall defense budget by more than a third despite international sanctions and the drop in oil prices.

According to Araz News, a month delay in the next year budget  presented to parliament, military institutions also face a 15 percent increase .

The contribution for the information ministry in the budget proposed by the government to parliament for year 1395 is 34246 billion Tomans . The ministry’s budget total this year is 2117 billion Tomans.

Increase the budget of the Ministry of Information, while  the human rights organizations say Ministry of Information  in Iran is a source of human rights violations and systematic repression of Dissidents.

From 27072 billion tomans budgets for Ministry of Defense, Armed Forces Command, the military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the Basij and the police, with 9628 billion tomans is the maximum amount of money belonging to the Revolutionary Guards.

The General government budget forecast is 267000 billion Tomans.

By- Hamit Sulduzlu

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