Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Atila Saifi Cleared of the Charges in the Court of Appeal

Araz News: Atila Saifi (Mousavi), civil rights activist from Miyandoab city, was cleared from the charges and the 6-months-in prison sentence has been dropped in appeal court.

Branch number 10 of the appeal court in West Azerbaijan province, has issued its verdict regarding the case of Atila Saifi (Mousavi), and by dropping the charges, cleared him of the charges.

According to the final verdict that is issued by branch number 10 of the appeal court of West Azerbaijan province, none of the evidences and arguments, which had been brought to the court supported the charge of propaganda against the regime, and therefore Atila Saifi is cleared of the charges.

Atila Saifi, who had been arrested many times for his civil activities, was arrested at his father house on March 1, 2015, by the security forces, and after few hours interrogation, he was released on the bail. His allegations at the time of the arrest were ethnicity activities and propaganda against the regime, and his personal accessories like lap top and books were seized.

After few days, when Atila Saifi applied for taking back his properties, the prosecutor issued an arrest order for him, but finally after 4 hours in detention, he was released on 15 million Tomans bail, HRANA reported.


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