Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Storm travelling 140 km/h impending in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchestan

Araz News: The Meteorology Organization of the southeastern Iranian province of Sistan-Baluchestan has predicted that a storm travelling at the speed of 100 to 140 km/h will sweep the area.

Following the announcement, rescue teams and the Red Crescent Society of Sistan-Baluchestan are put on stand-by, Fars news agency reported July 5.

The storm is predicted to hit the northern parts of the province worst.

Hossein Darvishi, an official of the provincial Red Crescent Society said the previous evening a crisis management meeting was held and it was decided to distribute nano-masks in the areas that are predicted to be hit the worst.

The locals are required to prevent making trips as much as possible because the sight range is going to be limited drastically.

Dust storms are frequent in Sistan-Baluchestan and they create many problems for people’s daily lives.

Sistan-Baluchestan is one of the driest areas in Iran and the common feature in the area is deserts. That makes it easy for dust to rise into the sky with local winds and turn into a dust storm.


Reprinted from trend

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