Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran and Kazakhstan to hold consultations on the establishment of collective security system in the Caspian Sea

Araz News:  Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Viktor Chirkov agreed with Azerbaijani, Iranian and Kazakh counterparts to hold consultations in October on establishment of the Caspian Sea collective security system. APAreports quoting RIA Novosti.


According to the Russian Defense Ministry, in the frame of the International Naval Show in St. Petersburg, delegations from Azerbaijan, Iran and Kazakhstan raised issues of creating the Caspian Sea collective security system.


В частности, как сообщается, в ходе встречи стороны обсудили возможность учреждения многостороннего консультативно-совещательного органа — Комитета командующих ВМС прикаспийских государств и подписания Соглашения о предотвращении инцидентов на Каспийском море.


In particular, it is reported that during the meeting the parties discussed the possibility of establishing a multilateral consultative body – the Committee of Navy Commanders of the Caspian states and the signing the Agreement on Prevention of Incidents on the Caspian Sea.


“During the meeting with the Russian Navy Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov delegations reaffirmed their readiness to further work in these areas and have agreed to hold the first round of the relevant consultations in Russia in October,” – said in a statement.

Reprinted from apa

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