Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Iranian president sends letter on social regulations to Supreme Leader

Araz News:  A member of Iran’s Guardian Council says President Hassan Rouhani has sent Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei a letter in which he discusses the issue of a disputed law called “enjoying good and forbidding wrong.”

Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi said the letter addresses a law which had been passed by the Parliament and then confirmed by the Guardian Council, Fars news agency reported June 30.

The law outlines regulations regarding the Islamic notion of enjoying good and forbidding wrong.

The law basically gives the right for people to interfere with other people’s behavior, if it contradicts the Islamic rules.

Yazdi said the president had found some faults with the law in executive terms.

The supreme leader then referred the letter to the Jury for Resolving Disagreements among Branches which studied the law and issued its final verdict, according to the Guardian Council member.

Yazdi said that the president has still disagreements on the final verdict, so the jury is readdressing the law.

Iran’s interior ministry had earlier objected to the bill, saying there is no necessity for a new regulation on the issue.

Some radical Iranian group previously announced that will patrol Tehran’s streets to enforce Islamic rules, in particular hijab. Rouhani’s administration has opposed the decision.

Reprinted from trend

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