Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Rouhani: nuclear talks can be extended

Araz News via trt: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, said on Saturday that he would not jeopardise state secrets in the country’s nuclear negotiations with six world powers. The president also said that the talks could potentially be extended if new issues arise from Iran’s counterparts.

US and French diplomats have called on Iran to accept intrusive search measures, including access to its military sites and inspections on as little as two hours notice. However, Rouhani, who is one of the most senior Iranian officials, has expressed resentment regarding the long sought after inspection by the world powers.

The Iranians are looking to finalise a nuclear deal by June 30 in which the country would refrain from weaponizing nuclear technology and only make use of it peaceful industrialised fields, in return for which sanctions which have long crippled the country would be finally lifted.

President Rouhani said in a state televised interview on Saturday the talks could be extended beyond their June 30 deadline if world powers raise new issues during the negotiations.

“If the other side sticks to the framework that has been established and does not bring new issues into play, I believe it [the nuclear issue] can be solved and we can reach an agreement.”

“But if they want to take the path of brinkmanship, the negotiations could take longer.”

Nevertheless, the inspection of nuclear development sites remains a highly debated matter between the two sides.

“Iran will absolutely not allow its national secrets to fall into the hands of foreigners through the Additional Protocol or any other means,” Rouhani said in a televised news conference, referring to a suggestion that would make Iranian development sites and research facilities vulnerable to easy access and searches.

Reprinted from trtworld

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