Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

ANRO published a book for “Book Burning Day” Anniversary

Araz News: Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization has published a book titled “Colonialism” for the 69th anniversary of “Book Burning Day”.

The book explains colonialist policies of Iranian state in South Azerbaijan. Book is in Farsi.

Book Burning Day was held on 17th December 1946 by Iranian army and officials in South Azerbaijan cities after Azerbaijan National Government was collapsed and South Azerbaijan were occupied by Iranian troops. On that day thousands of books in Azerbaijani Turkish were burned in book burning ceremonies including school textbooks and other cultural publications. After that date Azerbaijani Turkish was firmly banned throughout the country and all aspects of Azerbaijani culture become forbidden.

Nowadays Azerbaijani activists remark Book Burning Day every year as a symbol of cultural genocide in South Azerbaijan.


colonialism 1

colonialism 2

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