Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Seven Family Members Killed in Fireworks Explosion in Ardabil-South Azerbaijan

Araz News:At least seven people have lost their lives in  Ardabil city  after an accident in which a teenager making homemade fireworks for a festival ahead of the Norooz blew up his home. The massive explosion occurred in a residential...

Nomadic life Under Threat in South Azerbaijan (Photo Gallery )

Araz News: At the wake of the hot and cold seasons, they travel for miles, their whole life packed on their backs, with their animals. Moving from pastures to their winter camps, and back, the Shahsavan, Azerbaijani-Turkish speaking nomads, wander across the...

Environmental Disaster in South Azerbaijan and The silence of Iran to Armenia!

Araz News: Armenia’s nuclear power plant and aluminum plant wastewater entering the river Araz, which its news has leaked a few years ago by environmental activists to the media, have jeopardized the ecosystem of the river and the life of...

The Names of Those Arrested in The Protests Against Persian Racism “TARH NO”

Araz News: On 28th of July 2016, South Azerbaijan people in many different parts of Iran gathered and hold peaceful protests against racism, especially Insulting the “TARH NO” newspaper (New Deal). As a result of this peaceful protest, Iran security...

Peaceful Protest against Persian Racism Turned Violence in The Cities of Urmia and Tabriz

Araz News: Yesterday, 26th of July, peaceful demonstration of South Azerbaijan people against Persian racism was stopped and face with violent by Iran regime’s riot police in Tabriz and Urmia city. A Frist wave of protests against Persian racism in...

Ardabil City’s Governor : Rate Of Immigrant Increase Dramatically

Araz News: Mr. Majid Khodabakhsh the governor of Ardabil city said that rate of immigrant increase dramatically because of unemployment and the lack of enough job  in the city. He attended at the Provincial Administrative Council meeting in the Ardabil city...

The latest Photos From Protests Of South Azerbaijani People /Conflict Continues(photo gallery)

Araz News: On Monday, November 9, 2015,according to reliable sources of Araz News, Heavy conflict between protesters and security forces continue in different parts of the Urmia city, especially in the center of the city and Atayi streets The police shoot...

Stoped broadcasting news in Azerbaijani Turkish on the Ardabil TV

Araz News: Since the beginning of Ramadan, The Ardabil region TV which is  called “Sabalan”  has Stoped  broadcasting news  17:00, the only  news in Azerbaijani Turkish language on the  TV of Ardabil province. A group of residents and citizens of...

Representative of Ardabil city said some facts about the Armenia nuclear power plant

Araz News:  A Member of Parliament from Ardabil, South Azerbaijan and the spokesperson to the Parliamentary Fraction of Environment of Iran, Mr. Kamalladdin Pirmuazzen told “Fars” News Agency that the pollutants’ entry to the Araz River have been threatening the...

Heavy winds and dust sweep Iran

Araz News via trend: Most areas in Iran are grappling with heavy winds and dust, meteorologist Fariba Goudarzi said,Trend reported. Tehran has been witnessing dust in the early hours of the night for a few days in row, she noted, Fars...