Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Statement of Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization On the Occasion of the Beginning 2017-2018 school year

September came again and families are preparing their children to sit behind a desk in a classroom enthusiastically. The beginning of 2017-2018 school year on Sep is the day of happiness and joy for children and students to start school...

1600 South Azerbaijan Activists Strongly Support in forming a faction of Turk PM (Photo)

Araz News: On  Aug 31, 2016, more than 1600 South Azerbaijan civil, National and cultural activists have released a statement to support of forming a faction of Turk representatives in Iranian parliament. According to the statement South Azerbaijan civil, national and cultural activists...

South Azerbaijan researcher Mr. Ali Asghar Hqdar has released the book with the name of” Renaissance of Iran Turk’s identity” in Ankara

Araz News: The book with the name of” Renaissance of Iran Turk’s identity” was written by South Azerbaijani researcher Mr. Ali Asghar Hqdar and was published by “Son CHAQ” Publications in Ankara on Aug 4, 2016. According to Araz News agency,...

Statement by a community of Turkish lawyers of Iran

Araz News: Condemning the terrorist attacks in Ankara, Istanbul, Brussels, Baghdad and Lahore “Whoever killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land – it would be as if he killed all mankind,...

Join the Campaign to support Reject the racist, anti-Azerbaijani bill at U.S. Congress

On Dec. 16, 2015, Congressman Christopher Smith (R-N.J.) has introduced the so-called “Azerbaijan Democracy Act of 2015” in the U.S. Congress. This bill, if passed and enacted, will inflict tremendous damage on one of the most important friendships the U.S....

1046 South Azerbaijani National Activist have signed The Declaration In Support Of Turkmens in Syria

Araz News: 1046 South Azerbaijan National Movement activists  signed a statement  on the massacre of the Syrian Turkmen and Condemning this act . According to the Azerbaijan National  Resistance Organization  report , This statement is available in four languages Turkish,Farsi,German...

Campaign to support Turkish goods against Russian sanctions

Dear Turkish nation, Azerbaijani Turks, Azerbaijan national activists, Women’s rights activists, students and workers of Azerbaijan and the conscience of the Azerbaijan While the Russian government has a bloody history of murder and destruction in Chechnya (Muslim regions) and Crimea...

Petition campaign launched to stop Turkmen Genocide In Syria

Araz News: Syrian (Assad) Armed Forces aided by Iran and Russia have launched operations (attacks) on Turkmen society in Bayır Bucak- Turkmen Mountain located in north-western Syria between Latakia-İdlip regions. In the region bombarded by air and land, the villages of...

Monthly journal of TOPRAQ special edition released in South Azerbaijan by ANRO

Araz News: Monthly journal special editions  of 16 October with the name of  TOPRAQ was Published and released in different cities in South Azerbaijan by Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO). This 20-page journal includes news and articles about the activities of...

ANRO Released Booklet With The Name Of “Resistance In The West Azerbijcan”

Araz News: Analytical article collections  against  Kurd terrorism with the name of  “resistance in the West Azerbaijan”  was Published and released by Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization’s (ANRO) . This 20-page booklet  distributed  in Tabriz, Urmia, Khoy, Sulduz, Maku, Salmas , and...

The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO)’s manifesto about terrorist incidents in Turkey and its impacts on South Azerbaijan

Araz News: The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO), or “Diranish” as it is popularly referred to in South Azerbaijan, has joined Azerbaijani rights organizations and declared its support for an Azerbaijani rights. The ANRO issued the following statement: Dear Turkish nation of...

Widespread distributing newsletters and posters On the occasion of genocide people of Asghar Abad village in Urmia

Araz News:on July 1, Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization’s (ANRO) publishing arm released newsletters and posters  in memory of the martyrs of Asghar Abad  village which  resisted heroically  against invasion of Armenian in 1918. It should be mentioned that West Azerbaijan...

“White tortures” booklet published and released by the Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization

Araz News: As the world commemorated the International Day Against Torture on June 26, the Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization’s (ANRO) publishing arm released a booklet entitled “White Torture: Trick Interrogation – How to Fight It.” The ANRO distributed the booklet in various...

BBC Farsi Services with Hidden Agenda – an Exclusive Iranian Club within a British Organisation

BBC Farsi Services with Hidden Agenda – an Exclusive Iranian Club within a British Organisation We the undersigned individuals of British Azerbaijani communities & Azerbaijanis around the world wish to make a representation against the very un-British way of the...

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization pledges support to “Red Card Campaign”

Araz News: The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO), or “Diranish” as it is popularly referred to in South Azerbaijan, has joined Azerbaijani rights organizations and declared its support for a new Azerbaijani rights campaign. The “Red Card Campaign,” influenced by Friday’s soccer...