Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

NATO holds rare emergency meeting to dicuss security at Turkey’s request

Araz News: July 28, 2015, Tuesday,NATO declared its “strong solidarity” with Turkey on Tuesday as ambassadors gathered for a rare emergency meeting about the threat faced by a member today zaman reported. Turkey requested the extraordinary meeting to gauge the threat...

The Flag donated by Abbas Mirza to the prince of Nakhichevan was transferred from Russia to National Museum of Azerbaijan (photo)

Araz News: One of the valuable monuments of the history of Azerbaijan was transferred from the Hermitage Museum of Russia, one of the largest and oldest museums in the world to the History Museum of North Azerbaijan. The antiquity of...

Armenian protesters try to defend their rights

Araz News: The members of the “Rise up, Armenia” initiative launched a new wave of protest in the country. Earlier, they declared that they would conduct a 72-hour sit-in against the electricity price hike on Republic Square in Yerevan,azer news reported....

The head of PKK was killed

Araz News: on 25 July, Turkish Air Force destroyed the head of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), which is based in northern Iraq, Trend reported. The head, Onder Aslan, was killed and 3 PKK members were  injured  in the bombing of the...

Two killed, four wounded as a result of an attack by PKK on a military vehicle in Turkey

Araz News: A car bomb attack killed two Turkish soldiers in the Kurdish-dominated southeast of the country, after separatist rebels warned they would no longer observe a truce after Ankara’s air strikes on their positions in Iraq, officials said July 26,HDN...

Armenia among worst countries for tourists

Araz News: Armenia, doomed to failure as a result of its government’s incompetent domestic and foreign policy, has recently been called one of the worst European countries for British tourists,Azer News reported. Recent research carried out in the UK and published...

Five Armenian soldiers killed after failed diversion attempt – Azerbaijani Defense Ministry

Araz News: On July 24, Azerbaijani armed forces prevented the Armenian armed forces’ attempted diversion along the Goranboy, Terter, Aghdam,Fuzuli parts of the front line and border areas in Gadabay district. As a result, the Armenian armed forces retreated after suffering...

Turkey strikes ISIL inside Syria, reportedly killing 35 militants (video)

Araz News:  On Friday 24 of July, Turkish warplanes for the first time bombed the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) inside Syria , reportedly killing 35 militants, only hours after ISIL attacked an area of the Syrian...

Turkish Police comes under attack in Diyarbakir, Hakkari

Araz News: on 24 July ,Police have been targeted in two southeastern Turkish provinces, leaving at least 10 policemen injured in explosives attacks and one officer kidnapped, officials said,Trend  Agency reported. In the first incident, a Turkish police officer was kidnapped...

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in New York against Iran deal (video+photo)

Araz News: Protesters have poured into New York’s Times Square to denounce the Iran nuclear deal as a threat to Israel and global security, demanding that the US Congress reject the pact,on 22 July 2015, . Speakers at Wednesday’s rally, including Republican politicians,...

Turkish airstrikes target ISIL in Syria

Araz News:Turkey carried out airstrikes against three Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) targets in Syria for 13 minutes early July 24. Three Turkish F-16 fighter jets took off from the 8th Main Jet Base in the southeastern...

Turkish army clashes with ISIL terrorists group afterTurkish soldier was martyred (video)

Araz News:on Thursday 23th  of July ,Turkish forces returned fire on Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters in Syria with artillery and tank shells  after a Turkish soldier was martyred and two others wounded in a cross-border...

President Ilham Aliyev: Armenian president has no right to talk about democracy

Araz News: Armenian president said at the press conference with president of the European Council that Azerbaijan is far from democracy. He can’t talk about democracy, because he was just appointed by former president in 2008, though they allegedly conducted elections,...

Lack of aid at the devastating floods in northern Iran (Images +video)

Araz News: On July 20th 2015 , heavy rains which started and turned into heavy flood which took tens of lives in the northern Iran province of Alborz. Winds of up to 80 kilometers per hour have swept through northern, central...

Syrian civil war spills into Turkey as suspected ISIL bombing kills 31 in Suruç

Araz News: An explosion on Monday outside a cultural center in the southeastern Turkish town of Suruç, which is near the country’s border with Syria, killed at least 31 people and wounded more than 100, in what may have been a...