Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
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News Headlines:

NATO holds rare emergency meeting to dicuss security at Turkey’s request

Araz News: July 28, 2015, Tuesday,NATO declared its “strong solidarity” with Turkey on Tuesday as ambassadors gathered for a rare emergency meeting about the threat faced by a member today zaman reported.

Turkey requested the extraordinary meeting to gauge the threat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) extremist group poses to Turkey, and the actions Turkish authorities are taking in response, including attacks on the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants.

“We strongly condemn the terrorist attacks against Turkey, and express our condolences to the Turkish government and the families” of victims killed in recent terrorist actions, NATO ambassadors said in a statement after the meeting.

“Terrorism poses a direct threat to the security of NATO countries and to international stability and prosperity,” the NATO statement said. “It is a global threat that knows no border, nationality or religion_a challenge that the international community must fight and tackle together.”

Article 4 of NATO’s founding treaty empowers member states to seek emergency consultations when they consider their “territorial integrity, political independence or security” to be in jeopardy. This was only the fifth such meeting in NATO’s 66-year history.

In Ankara, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Turkish and US officials were discussing the creation of a safe zone near Turkey’s border with Syria, which would be cleared of ISIL group presence and turned into a secure area for Syrian refugees to return.

Speaking at a news conference Tuesday before leaving for China, Erdoğan also said it was impossible to advance a peace process with the Kurds as attacks on Turkey continue.

Recently, an ISIL suicide bombing near Turkey’s border with Syria left 32 people dead and an ISIL attack on Turkish forces killed a soldier. And on Tuesday, Turkey said a soldier was wounded in an attack along the border with Iraq.

After months of reluctance, Turkish warplanes last week started striking militant targets in Syria and agreed to allow the US to launch its own strikes from Turkey’s strategically located İncirlik Air Base.

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