Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

State Department: USA not to recognize results of ‘elections’ in Karabakh

Araz news: “We do not recognize Nagorno Karabakh as an independent sovereign state”. The US authorities are not going to recognize the outcomes of the 3 May ‘parliamentary elections’ in Nagorno Karabakh, the statement of the US Department of State reads,...

Baku visitors to enjoy free WiFi

Araz news: Baku population and guests will enjoy free Internet access this June. Public place across Baku will deploy wireless access points Wi-Fi, said Ali Abbasov, Communications and High Technologies Minister. This June Baku will welcome 6,000 athletes from 50 countries...

Kerry ‘guarantees’ Israelis that US can prevent an Iranian bomb

Araz news:  US Secretary of State John Kerry sought to pacify Israeli worries over an emerging nuclear deal with Iran in an interview aired Sunday, dismissing some concerns as brought on by “hysteria” over the possible agreement. Israeli prime minister...

Trakhtur fan Walking distance of 890 km for Trakhtur sazi south Azerbaijan (video)

Araz news: Shahriar Abbaszadeh  the fan of Trakhtur sazi South Azerbaijan is going on foot a distance 890 km from Khodaferin(ghara dagh) to Tehran to watch the match Trakhtur sazi South Azerbaijan –Esteghlal Tehran. Abbaszadeh moved from Khodaferin on Saturday...

White House: Don’t trust Iran, Sanctions will be taken step by step

Araz news: White House spokesman Josh Earnest said: according to the agreement, discounts in sanctions cannot be verified for Iran  as long as the Iranians do not take any specific steps. Josh Earnest at a press conference, said: we have...

ISIS militants execute 600 Yezidis northern Iraq

Araz news : On Friday the so-called Sharia Court of the Islamic State group (IS/ISIS) reportedly executed 600 hostages from the Yezidi community of Shingal (Sinjar) in the Talafar district in northern Iraq. The group piled the bodies into the well...

Mr. Hee Wook Cho–President of ACC: Cycling Tour of Azerbaijan in the direction of globalization

Araz news: Mr. Hee Wook Cho – President of Asian Cycling Confederation in a message to the thirtieth of this tour said: Thirtieth of the Asian Cycling Tour will be held in Azerbaijan- Iran and It is a great honor to cyclists of...

Independent journalism struggling for survival in Turkey on World Press Freedom Day

Araz news: Turkish journalists marked World Press Freedom Day on Sunday under a cloud of diminishing press freedom in Turkey amid growing threats to their profession as they face unprecedented and constant attacks on their independence and safety. Observed annually on...

EU does not recognize ‘elections’ in Nagorno Karabakh

Araz news: “These procedures cannot influence the process of negotiations”. The EU reminds that it does not recognize the normative frameworks of the ‘parliamentary elections’ announced by the unrecognized Nagorno Karabakh republic and considers that they won’t help to define the...

Gulf states to push for a US plan for containing Iran

Araz news: In the expectation of a nuclear deal in June, the Gulf monarchies are worried about an emboldened, enriched Iran expanding its reach and they are seeking reassurance at this month’s Camp David summit  The leaders of the Gulf...

USA, Russia, France: No one recognizes independence of Karabakh

Araz news: The OSCE Minsk Group considers intensification of a dialogue between the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia. According to Oxu.Az, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs have issued a joint statement following the meeting with the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and...

As it happened: Turkey marks tense May Day as police enforce lockdown in central Istanbul

Araz news: As May Day demonstrations ended throughout Turkey, police have managed to keep the masses away from Istanbul’s Taksim Square by taking extraordinary measures, detaining at least 203 people. Opposition parties and some unions had announced that they were determined...

A road accident killed and injured 12 in South Azerbaijan (Varzeghan)

Araz news:  The Public Relations Disaster Management and Emergency Medical Center in East Azarbaijan stated: An accident in rod  (Varzeghan –khoca) 3 people died and nine were injured. According to the report, the director of the Center for Disaster Management...

Tel Aviv and Tehran appeared enmity and friendship in secret

Araz news: Alyovm Saba newspaper on Wednesday Alsab (April 29, 2015) has published “Tel Aviv and Tehran appeared enmity and friendship in secret” which Including statements attributed to the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran and  the relations...

What are the prospects for progress in nuclear disarmament

Araz news: In March, The Economist cast a critical eye on developments in the area of nuclear weapons and the prospects for future conflict involving these weapons of mass destruction. The assessment made for ominous reading. A leader article, titled ‘The...