Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

A road accident killed and injured 12 in South Azerbaijan (Varzeghan)

Araz news:  The Public Relations Disaster Management and Emergency Medical Center in East Azarbaijan stated: An accident in rod  (Varzeghan –khoca) 3 people died and nine were injured.

According to the report, the director of the Center for Disaster Management and Emergency Medical Eastern Azarbaijan  said:” this accident happened in 1 km Varzeghan and unfortunately 3 people died and nine were injured”.

Today on Friday of May, 1 th, 2015, An accident in rod  (Varzeghan –khoca) 3 people died and nine were injured. The roads are not well standardized and is a very narrow switchback.

Mr. Rajai the head of the Disaster Management Centre and Medical Emergency of State said that because of many  injured in this  incident, we sent emergency air to the event zone.

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