Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Iranian Vice President: There Is No Discrimination against Azeris!

Araz News: Iranian vice president for ethnicities and minorities affairs and the former minister of intelligence, Ali Younesi told: “While there not any discrimination between ethnicities in our countries some people try to create hostility between ethnicities.”

Speaking in a conference dedicated to Azerbaijani poet, Shahryar, he added: “Unfortunately some people are trying to create enmity between Turk and Fars, but they will not be successful because there is not any sensitivity against people of Azerbaijan in different levels of the country. Azeri people are completely adopted with other ethnicities of the country and they do not face any obstacle for finding social positions or promoting their jobs. All people of East Azerbaijan province are Shiite Azeris and there is not any discrimination against them in the province and trying to create conflict between Turk and Fars is a bootless job.”

He also told: “There are many Azeris among regime’s senior officials and Azeri roots of country’s supreme leader show that in our country there is not any discrimination against Turkic oriented people.”

It should be mentioned that in the recent years Azerbaijani people are increasingly complaining about especially cultural and economical discrimination against Azerbaijani people and provinces.

Azerbaijani activists also claim while during the years after Islamic revolution at least Azerbaijanis who were completely assimilated in Iranian culture and adopted regime’s ideology could find high positions in the administration coming to recent years it become less and less such that nowadays percentage of Azerbaijani senior officials in compare with percentage of Azerbaijani people of country is very smaller.

Strong demands made by ethnical groups who form more than half of the Iran’s total population, have forced Islamic regime’s authorities to give promises to promote cultural and economical rights of ethnic regions. But there is not any concrete application up to now.


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