Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

South Azerbaijan’s Tractor Beats All Hollow Iranian Teams

Araz News: Tractor Sazi football team of South Azerbaijan (Traxtor, as Azerbaijani people call) beats all hollow football teams of Iran.

Today, September 12, Tractor Sazi has defeated Rah Ahan club of Tehran with score of 4-1, in Tabriz.

Last week Tractor Sazi defeated Iran’s biggest football club, Persepolis with 3 goals against 1, in Tehran. Persepolis has biggest number of supporters among Persian people in compare with other football clubs of Tehran.

By today’s success Tractor Sazi take first place in the league.


Tractor Fans
Tractor Fans

Azerbaijani Turks consider Tractor Sazi team as a national issue.

During the matches of Tactor Sazi football team usually fans shout slogans and show banners to sound human rights of Azerbaijani community in Iran.

Lake Urmia’s drying problem is a focal point in Tractor fans demonstrations.

In the last years the sport matches in South Azerbaijan have become a field for South Azerbaijani Turkic people to demonstrate their national aspirations. Especially matches of Tractor Sazi Football Club of Tabriz are focused. Frequently tens of thousands of fans come to Tabriz from all South Azerbaijan provinces (Urmia, Zanjan, Ardabil, etc.) to support Tractor and also to make national demonstrations.

"South Azerbaijan İs Not Iran"; A Slogan of Tractor Fans
“South Azerbaijan İs Not Iran”; A Slogan of Tractor Fans

Azerbaijani Turks are second largest ethnic group in Iran with a slight difference after Persians.

South Azerbaijan which is majorly populated by ethnic Turks is a ethnically problematic region in Iran which Iran spends efforts to hold the nationalist tendency of region under control.

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