Sunday 23 February 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Letter from AMDT to Iraqi Prime Minister

The Honorable Prime Minister of Republic of Iraq Mr. Nouri Kamil Al-Maliki

We would like to express deep respects of the Turkic people of South Azerbaijan (Azerbaijani people of Iran) to your Excellency and the nation of Iraq.

As you know, during the last decades South Azerbaijan have hosted and greeted thousands of Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers as a result of internal conditions of Iraq. Unfortunately after establishment of the Northern Iraqi Regional Government this administration does not pay attention to establish good relations with its neighbors. Leadership of the Northern Iraqi Regional Government has released a map of so-called great Kurdistan and is demanding right on territorial integrities of neighboring nations such as Turkic Nation of Azerbaijan as well as backing Kurdish terrorist groups.

We regret to inform you that some TV channels of your country (especially Rudaw TV, ruled by Northern Iraqi Regional Government) are continuously announcing western parts of South Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan of Iran) as Kurdish land.
There is no doubt that such a baseless and unrealistic claim, which is a display of expansionist mentality of Northern Iraqi Regional Government and nationalist Kurdish groups, is only to spread ethnical conflict seeds in our region.
That’s why we expect your Excellency, as the head of executive body of the Iraqi central government, to react against and prevent these absurd and irrational claims. From the international law point of view continuing of these claims is not acceptable and destroys friendship between neighbor nations.

National Resistance Organization of Azerbaijan expresses that this state of affairs may cause destructive consequences for regional and global peace and stability. We think that your Excellency and Iraqi state carry a serious legal and humanistic responsibility to protect the well being of the region’s peoples. We request your Excellency to take necessary actions for the favor of peace and friendship of our nations.

With our best regards

National Resistance Organization of Azerbaijan
Department of International Affairs’ Director
Dr. Karim Asghari

02 02 4014

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