Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Anti-Arabism Slogans in the Days of Cyrus and Lack of Persian Media’s Attention

Araz News: October 28, 2016 a number of Iranians have been gathered in Pasargadae to celebrate Cyrus day. They have chanted slogans that were quite racist and Anti-Arabism. For example, “we are Aryans and we are not worshipping Arabs”, “Always God  is right Whatever trouble comes from Arabs”.

Many Farsi media in European countries and America have reflected Cyrus day event, however, they  haven’t mentioned any Anti-Arabism activities during the ceremony.

Nonetheless, for a number of Principlist observers the nationalist revival of Pre-Islamic glory brings inherent problems for the modern-day Iran. The country’s unique demography necessitates an inclusive identity, which the nationalistic fervor has failed to take into account. One Principlist analyst the annual gathering in the tomb a national security threat, warning that fascist, anti-Arab slogans chanted in such ceremonies could hurt the feelings of an indispensable Iranian ethnic group, Arab community mainly concentrated in the southwestern Khuzestan Province, which in turn will jeopardize national solidarity. He predicted that the phenomenon could shift into a crisis in coming years.

Observers say that the growth of Iran’s Anti-Arabism is a dangerous development which the Arabs are one of the major nations who lives in Iran. Moreover, there are 400 million Arabs in 22 countries, some of which are neighboring of Iran.

So far, none of the Iranian government agencies not only didn’t condemn the Chanting of Anti-Arabism Slogans but also, many media broadcasted and covered the Anti-Arabism event widely.

It should be noted, the International Day of Cyrus has not been recognized by any organizations such as the UN and UNESCO.


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