Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Lake Urmia Protesters Rally in South Azerbaijan Cities / Police Crack Down and Detention Took Place (Audio)

Araz News: Hundreds of people rallied in two largest South Azerbaijan cities, Tabriz and Urmia. Protesters sounded slogans related to Lake Urmia disaster and blamed president Rouhani to not keeping his promises on Lake Urmia.

According to Araz News correspondents from South Azerbaijan and other local sources, upon the calls of South Azerbaijani rights and environmental activists which were made trough social media and South Azerbaijani web sites, hundreds of people turned out in Tabriz and Urmia cities on June 10.

Demonstrators shouted slogans such as “Let’s cry to fill Lake Urmia with tears”, “Break dams; fill Lake Urmia” and “Rouhani; where is your Promises?!”

But reportedly, Iranian police cracked down on the demonstration. Many were arrested after the call was released and during the rally. Most of the detainees were released after a few hours on bail while some still are in detention.










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