Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

More attempts to destroy the Arabic heritage of Ahwaz by Iran

Breaking news
By: Rahim Hamid
Today, the Ahwazi human rights activists have been informed by the local Ahwazi sources inside Ahwaz that the Iran occupied forces bulldozed and demolished one of the most important Arabic historical monuments known by the name of “Saray Ajam” in Ahwaz capital as an aim to eradicate the historical heritage of Ahwazi Arab people. This is not the first time that the Iranian forces target the historical buildings in Ahwaz.
In the recent years, the thugs of regime deliberately destroyed the Sheikh Kazzal palaces, the last ruler of Ahwaz. Historic buildings are irreplaceable community assets and once they are gone, they are gone forever. the regime of Iran systematically target the historical sites in Ahwaz that is meant ethnic cleansing of Ahwazi identity and eradicating the Proof of existence of the ethnic group of Arabs. The Iranian officials dismissed the historical Arabic sites out of the list of historical places on purpose to pave the way to ruin them to deprive the future generation of Ahwazi to see their genuine cultural heritage.
We are calling upon the international community to take serious step to halt Iran from perpetrating more crimes against Ahwazi Arab people who are targeted culturally, socially, economically and politically by the Iranian regime.

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