Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Three South Azerbaijani Activists Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison

Araz News: Three South Azerbaijani activists named Rasoul Razavi, Hossein Ali Mohammadi and Taha Kermani sentenced to a total 7 years in prison by Revolutionary Court Tabriz branch.

South Azerbaijani sources report the judge Bagher Pour has sentenced Mr. Rasoul Razavi to one year in proson on charge of propaganda against regime. He is acquitted from some other charges such as membership in panturkist groups, action against state’s security and connection with separatist groups.

On the other hand Mr. Hossein Ali Mohammadi and Mr. Taha Kermani are each sentenced to three years in prison being charged of action against national security and membership in illegal groups. Also they will be trialed on charge of burning public properties and insulting Islamic values later on 6th August.

Mr. Hossein Ali Mohammadi and Mr. Taha Kermani were detained on November 04, 2013 and Mr. Rasoul Razavi was detained on December 04, 2013.

Azerbaijani right groups report all three detainees have been tortured physically and mentally during detention.

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