Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Parliament Member: President Rouhani Has Not Kept His word on Lake Urmia

Araz News: Mehdi Isazadeh, Iranian parliament member of Miandoab, Tekab and Shahin Dezh regions of West Azerbaijan Province said to Tasnim News Agency that Lake Urmia is heart of people of West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Zanjan and other provinces.

“When Mr. Kalantari was appointed as the head of the Lake Urmia Rescue Work Group we were so hopeful because we tough he is familiar to the lake and the region” he added.

Isazadeh said “President Rouhani gave some promises to save Lake Urmia and at the beginning some good things were made. But not a single practical step has taken yet. What is done is only meetings and speaking. They do not want to share everything with public. We see they are killing time. But we, people of the region will never forget the Lake Urmia because it is a real disaster”.

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