Sunday 23 February 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Police Intervention to Women Who Want to Perform Show in Iran

The Iranian capital, Tehran, group of women  who wanted to organize a demonstration for “8 March International Women’s Day”, interfered with the police, those demonstraters and some journalist were arrested . According to the report of “Irans Wire”, a group...

“White Wednesday” Women’s Protest in Iran !!

In the capital of Iran, Tehran, women who demonstratively attached white headscarf to the tip of a stick, as the sign of protest during the December events, is informed to be released. The photo of the woman whose name was...

Hidden reality of violence against women in Iran

Araz News:Iranian women endure systematic gender discrimination as second class citizens in Iran, they are deprived of fundamental rights. Of course, the situation of Iranian women is slightly better than their peers in Middle-East, but, they undergo many hardships under...