Sunday 23 February 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Turkic World Representatives Met in Azerbaijan

History Institute of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani Embassy in Turkey and Atatürk Research Center Presidency jointly held “20th International Conference on Genocide Against Turkish Muslim Peoples in the 19th Century” in Kusar, Azerbaijan. President of Atatürk Culture, Language and History Higher...

Babek Chalabiyanli’s Presentation on Brussels Conference

In Brussels,the EU headquarters,  activists from Iran’s ethnic minority populations, as well as politicians from Arab and regional nations and other countries worldwide gathered on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st  of January for a conference named “Together to Counter Iranian-Sponsored...

Conference: Uniting for Freedom From Iran’s Terror, and Toward a New Democratic Middle East

Rahim Hamid is an Ahwazi Arab freelance journalist and human rights advocate who mainly writes about the plight of his people in Iran. Only a few meters away from the EU headquarters in Brussels,  activists from Iran’s ethnic minority populations,...

Hague Seminar Focuses on Ahwaz in Context of Arab-Iranian Conflict

Hamid Mansour: We should address the West to correct image of Arabs Saad al-Din Ibrahim:  Iranian regime uses minorities to foment discord among Arabs Zafer Mohammed al-Ajmi: The best defense is a good offense; move the battle inside Iran Fatima...

A Conference “South Azerbaijan is Golden Bridge of Turkic World” was held in Ankara(Photo Gallery)

Araz News: A conference entitled South Azerbaijan is Golden Bridge of Turkic world was held in Turkish Association- Ankara on 24 Dec 2016. At the conference, Mr. Karim Asghari managing director of international relations of Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO)...

Organizing a Conference about Recent Developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh and Iran Policy (video+photo)

Araz News: A conference about the Recent developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh and Iran’s policy in the region was held in “Tabriz Institute” at Ankara city on 12th of May 2016. At the conference, Mr. Araz Aslanli the faculty member of the...

A conference was held about genocide of Azerbaijanis people by Armenians in Urmia, Salmas, xocali and Karabakh -(Photo Gallery)

Araz News: A Conference as crimes of Armenians in Iran was held in the capital of Turkey at Hilton hotel on On 23rd of April. In this conference well-known persons from Turkey, Europe and other regions participated. The conference was held...

A conference about Armenians’ crimes in Azerbaijan cities Urmia, Salmas will be held in Turkey

Araz News: The conference focused on the massacre of Turks in Urmia and Salmas cities with the participation of university professors will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Ankara, Turkey On 23rd of April, at 10 am – 1 pm....

Announcement for seminar about Position of women in The Turkic World

Araz News: Azerbaijani Association has invited many researchers from different part of Turkic world to investigate and Discussion about the women stage in the Turkic world. This seminar will be held at Stockholm City. Women speakers will be evaluated women’s status...

Announcement for European Parliament conference:Lake Urmia – Humanitarian and Environmental Disaster in Iran

Araz News: On 16 November 2015, Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner MEP (Greens/EFA), the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) and the Southern Azerbaijan Alliance will convene a conference entitled ‘Lake Urmia – Humanitarian and Environmental Disaster in Iran’ at the European...