Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

63th Annivesary of Mehmed Emin Resulazade’s Death

The founder and first President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehmet Emin Resulzade came to the world in Baku in 1884. He began his career at the age of 19 as newspaper writer. He wrote in the ‘Oriental Russia’ published in Tbilisi about Turan’s Life of Hüseyinzâde Ali Bey in Azerbaijan, and about Fuyuzat and Ahmet Agaoglu’s Irşat and Terakki. His report was published weekly in Baku, and published in Yoldaş magazines. Being a living example of visionary of the Azerbaijan State and the love of independence, Mehmet Emin Rasulzade has not been excavated from memories with his party called Müsavat, which fought for the cause of his case against his enemies in the Azerbaijani national liberation movement. He decided to fight for National Identitiy in Azerbaijani-Turkish society, where he started to develop newly, and he fought for fifty more years with his mentality and his pen against Russia. The views of Ali Bey Huseyinzade expressing Islam as a religion alone and nationality as Turkism also influenced Mehmed Emin Resulzade. In December 1906, Rasulzade, who started to publish his own Newspaper, said that in this paper, all people, nations, classes must be equal in law and election. In the following years the Resulzade’s thesis has turned into a vigilante in which people form into an independent nation. In 1905 he came onto politics. He established a secret association against the Tsarist administration. He then fled to Turkey. In 1913, after Tsarist administration amnesty, he returned to Baku. In 1917 he became the president of the Musavat Party, which defended the idea of Independent Azerbaijan. He defended the idea that the other Turkic Republics in Turkestan would also leave Russia and establish the Federation of Turkish States. On 28 May 1917 the Republic of Azerbaijan was founded and he became its first president. The Republic lived for two years. When the Red Army invaded Azerbaijan, Rasulzade went to Germany. At the end of the Second World War he came to Turkey he moved to Ankara. He died on March 6, 1955. Resulzade, an ideal Turkish nationalist and a faithful Muslim, thought that national and religious beliefs had to be considered separately in state administration, and he thought that these two words complement each other in social life. Resulzade made the following statement about the national identity in his first article titled “The Way We Pass” written about nationalism in the first part of the Open Word: “If we want to bring a nationality with solid, textual and vigorous nationality, we must embrace three essentials: Turkification, Islamization, Conquering.” These words of Resulzade show how much he is attached to the idea of Gökalp. As the Araz News family, we pay tributes and gratitude for the 63rd anniversary of the death of Mehmet Emin Resulzade, the founder and the first President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Once risen flag will not come down again!

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