Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Will Mandatory Headscarfs Law Be Repealed

Vice President of Iran Masumi Ibishari opposed the pressure of the mandatory headscarf in the country. President Hasan Ruhani’s Assistant  of Women and Family Affairs İbtikar spoke to local and foreign journalists at a press conference in Tehran on the occasion of  Women’s Day in Iran. Reminding that the headscarf is a legal obligation in Iran, İbtikar argued that it started to be applied on the people after the revolution to prevent social abuse. “I think that these issues should be discussed more with the new generation and that the demands of young people should be taken into account,” Ibtikar said regarding the incidents of arrest due to the headscarf removal. It is also evident that in Iran, where all sorts of oppression and violence against many issues have been witnessed over many years, these words of a Persian ruler will not come to action, this claims were made only to the outside world.

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