Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Western Azerbaijani Parliamentarians Alert About State Tax Increase

Hadi Bahaduri, a deputy of the Iranian parliament of Urmia, the southern city of Iran, protested against the increase of state taxes.

To do this he sent a letter to the Economy Minister and gave 10 days to reduce taxes, otherwise the MPs would call parliament to answer their questions.

In addition, the deputy Hadi Bahaduri and Maki district Eynulla Sharifpur warned the Minister of Economy about the decision that led to the protest.

In a joint written statement, “The increase in state taxes for departure creates serious problems for border crossings and for interns abroad. We demand the cancellation of the decision which has caused many difficulties. ”

The law applied during the days of Nevruz has created many problems in the cities where customs control points operate, especially for people dealing with trade. There was also a protest meeting at the Bazirgan provinces bordering Turkey. At the moment, trade has become stagnant in some southern cities. The inability of the population to reach neighboring countries by using civil rights has become a new opportunity for Kurdish smugglers living on the border. Smuggling from neighboring countries, they are selling goods for higher prices. All of this was caused by a sharp protest in the region.

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