Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Protest in South Azerbaijan’s Enderyan village

Peasantries who are living in South Azerbaijan’s Verzigan city’s Enderyan village get together for protest to gold mine’s where near the village that work illegaly. Protest was begin Sunday 09.00 o’clock. This mine work with cyaniding. This mine is killing birds and animals and also pollute the underground waters because of the process of mine. This situation all community and living species future under danger. This year two workers poisoned and be hospitalized because of the sodium and cyanide. However, they did not allow to spread the news. Community got together and protested this situation several times.As is known South Azerbaijan has rich underground mines. However, this source of income given to who connected to regime and only the think the benefit of regime.

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