Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

New mayor of Tebriz make 3 promises

The new mayor of Tebriz (Sahin Baher) was announced in 6th November. In the ceremony Sahin Baher give detailed information about the next process. The three projects: Azerbaijan square projects, Magomed-Shura and the international conference central will done before the Tebriz-2018 project promise new mayor.
Azerbaijan square project is practice in Northwest of Tebriz. The square is 125 hectare long and bigger 1.5 times than Tahran Azadi Square. Like Ustad Şehriyar, Hakani Şirvani, Katran Tabrizi, Asadi Tusi ve Mukreddin Beylagani and approximate 400 poets and writers graveyard project did not finish for 40 year. Tebriz municipality did not give money for this project because of the orders that come from government. International Conference Center’s spectacular opening was 2016 but it did not start. This project seems like the most important cultural background of West Azerbaijan. Sehin Baher last month chosen by city council to 56. Mayor of Tebriz.

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