Thursday 23 January 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:


Araz News: The percentage of the Ahwazi Arab population with kidney failure has increased drastically. In the future, it is expected that the rate could triple due to water contamination according to Ahwazi health professionals, since 2014, 

While Iranian supporters of the regime are brought in to work in the oil fields and are provided with decent housing in compounds with pure running water and proper facilities, the local Ahwazi Arab population see none of the benefits, but rather suffer the torment of the side effects of the oil industry, the deliberate destruction of their environment and pollution of their water and air.
This has been going on for years, but the effects are now beginning to show themselves more and more, in particular in the massive increase in kidney failure and other illnesses among the Ahwazi people in recent times.
As a case in point, four patients on dialysis were brought into Sina Hospital last August, 2016, suffering from fever and diarrhea and died soon afterwards.
An Associate Professor of the Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences, Shokrollah Salmanzadeh, a specialist in infectious diseases, announced that the cause of death was drinking contaminated water.
According to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), he stated that, based on  expert studies, the cause of death of all four Ahwazi dialysis patients in Sina hospital was severe dysentery, caused by the bacterium “E. coli 957” transferred  to the patients through drinking water.
The local water is polluted not only by the oil and gas industries, but also by regional manufacturers, such as the Sugar Cane projects which release untreated toxic waste into the water courses of the Karoon and Jarrahi rivers, used by the Ahwazi Arab people for drinking and washing.
Rather than enforce any legislation against the offenders, or making any improvement themselves, the Iranian regime seems to be encouraging the destruction of the environment and is planning to make matters worse for the people of Ahwaz by diverting the course of the river Karoon to supply other regions in central Iran.
There has been no money spent on improving the infrastructure of the area and the roads are in very poor condition which makes it difficult to travel. More significantly, there are very few hospitals anywhere that are affordable for the local people with the medical equipment and experienced specialists needed to treat these conditions and to catch the early symptoms before they can intensify.
The Sina Hospital is, in fact, the only hospital in Ahwaz City which provides dialysis to the poorest Ahwazis, (and the majority of Ahwazis are classified as living below the poverty line), so most of those suffering from kidney problems are unable to afford the cost of treatment or drugs at other private medical facilities in the region.ahwaz-kidney-failure-decease-sina-hospital-iran
As well as kidney failure and cancerous diseases being on the increase, concerns are growing among Ahwazi Arab citizens throughout the region about the increase in outbreaks of respiratory problems and skin diseases.
These diseases are also caused by the contamination of the water supply and air pollution.
These problems are not just local to Ahwaz City, or all as the result of water and air contaminated by industrial waste. In other Ahwaz cities, such as Falahiyeh, (also known as Shadegan), and  Khafajiyeh, (also known as Sosangerd), the people are suffering from an unusually high rate of skin, heart and kidney diseases, due to the continued storage and uses of chemical, biological and other related polluted materials remaining from the Iran-Iraq war, which aged from 1980 to 1988.
The regime has taken no action to remedy these matters and, as elsewhere in Ahwaz, the state hospitals are not equipped to deal with the situation, with insufficient numbers of doctors and medicines, so the death rate is unacceptably high.
Those who can afford to pay for treatment often have no option but to travel out of Ahwaz to central Iranian cities such as Shiraz and Isfahan. The majority, who cannot afford these crippling costs, are left to struggle in agony, walking slowly towards death, their suffering due to the deliberate neglect of the occupying authorities of the Iranian regime.
The Ahwazi people have experienced nothing but oppression, systematic crackdown on their language and culture, imprisonment and execution, as well as the neglect and devastation to their environment since their region was assimilated into Iran in 1925. The situation has become much worse since the Mullahs’ regime seized control in 1979.
Ahwaz was once a rich and fertile land, but the native Arab people and their homeland have been devastated by the exploitation of the oil reserves on their land for the sole benefit of the Iranian regime.
At 4 billion barrels, the Ahwaz area has the world’s second largest oil reserves and supplies 90% of the oil output from Iran.
It is to the shame of the Iranian regime that it has exploited the Ahwazi lands so savagely that they have destroyed and polluted the Ahwaz climate and now Ahwaz is the most highly polluted province in Iran.
It is even more sickening when one knows that all the oil money extracted from the Ahwazi lands and all the money saved by not investing in the infrastructure, roads, hospitals, doctors, medicine and medical equipment in the region, is being used not to help anyone, but to pay the organs of terror and oppression, such as the Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah, to repress people all over Iran and lay waste to countries in the region like Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
With all the measures of oppression and neglect being levelled against them by the Iranian regime, it is becoming quite apparent to the Ahwazi people that they are being targeted intentionally. All the evidence points to a systematic and deliberate plan on the part of the regime to force the Ahwazi people to abandon their traditional lands, leaving them for Iranian supporters of the Mullahs to move in and take over. This must not be allowed to happen.


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