Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Impound The Monthly journal of “ELIN” in Maraga University

Araz News:The Committee of the monitoring Journal  at  Maraga university  was impounded  journal of “ELIN”for a one year and the editor of this publication has summoned to the disciplinary committee.

This decision came after releasing  the ninth publication  which was adopted in May of  this year, but, it has been notified to the managing director in recent days.

It is said that,Mr.Mehdi Davatghari  the representative of Maraga  and Ajabshir Cities , and a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian Parliament is the only complainant of this document.

According to a university official, ,Mr.Mehdi Davatghari  proposed its complaint to  the Supervisory Council publications country  after the latest issue of the  “ELIN” Monthly journal  Which is caused impounding of this journal.

This Student Journal was published and  managed by Mr. Milad Balsini and Association of Azerbaijan sociologist about four years.

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