Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

ISIL says it destroyed archaeological pieces from Palmyra

Araz News:  The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants have destroyed six archaeological pieces from the historic town of Palmyra that were confiscated from a smuggler, the group said.

An ISIL statement released late Thursday said the six busts were found when the smuggler was stopped at a checkpoint. The issue was referred to an Islamic court in the northern Syrian town of Manbij, which ordered that they be destroyed and the man be whipped.

This image posted on a militant website by the Aleppo branch of ISIL on Friday, July 3, 2015, which has been verified and is consistent with other AP reporting, shows items that the group claims are six smuggled archaeological pieces from the historic central town of Palmyra.

Items that ISIL says are the smuggled archaeological pieces from Palmyra.

Photographs released by the group showed ISIL militants destroying the busts with large hammers. Another photo showed the smuggler being whipped.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday it was unclear if the busts were authentic or if the militants destroyed fake busts as a cover for the ISIL’s own antiquities smuggling.

While there is no firm evidence of the amount of money being made by ISIL from looting antiquities, satellite photos and anecdotal evidence confirm widespread plundering of archaeological sites in areas under ISIL control.

ISIL captured the historic Syrian town of Palmyra in May from government forces. Many fear that the group will damage the town’s archaeological sites as they did in neighboring Iraq earlier this year.

Palmyra’s UNESCO world heritage site is famous for its 2,000-year-old Roman colonnades, other ruins and priceless artifacts. Before Syria’s conflict began in 2011, tens of thousands of tourists visited the remote desert outpost, a cherished landmark referred to by Syrians as the “Bride of the Desert.”

In March, ISIL members in Iraq razed 3,000-year old Nimrod and bulldozed 2,000-year old Hatra – both UNESCO world heritage sites.

The Sunni extremists, who have imposed a violent interpretation of Shariah law in the territories they control in Syria and Iraq, believe ancient relics promote idolatry.

ISIL militants also recently destroyed a lion statue dating back to the 2nd century in Palmyra, said Maamoun Abdulkarim, the head of the Syrian government’s Antiquities and Museums Department.

Reprinted from todayszaman

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